

付费内容 购买记录


题目:-Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?- ___________________
题目:-Can I take your order, madam?-___________________
"题目:-What are you going to do in the sports meeting?         -___________________"
"题目:-I’d like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.        -___________________"
"题目:-Do you think you are the suitable person for this position?        -___________________"
"题目:- This is Huangdu police station. What can I do for you?        - ______________________"
"题目:-How are you feeling today?        -_____________________"
"题目:-How can I get legal advice for free?         -_______________  "
"题目:-Do you often surf on the Internet?        -_______________  "
"题目:- Our trademark has been infringed by our competitor. What can we do?        - ______________________"
"题目:- Wow, you make me hurt!          -_______________ "
"题目:- Why do you want to leave your previous job?        -_______________ "
"题目:-_______________          - I need to look for some papers to add to my research report."
"题目:- Honey, would you like to have a talk with me?        -_______________ "
"题目:- How long has your daughter been missing?        -_______________ "
"题目:-What shall we do tonight?        -_________"
"题目:-Excuse me, how much is the shirt?        -____________ "
"题目:-Wow! This is a marvelous room!         -_____________________"
"题目:- I’d like to invite you to the dinner next Monday.        - ______________________"
"题目:-Thank you very much for your help.        -____________"
"题目:-What is the fastest way to mail the gift?         -_____________________"
"题目:-Hey, What are you doing in that room?        -___________________ "
"题目:-Would you like to come with me?        -_____________________"
"题目:-Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad?         -______________________"
"题目:-Hey Peter. _________________        -Sure, it is my pleasure. What is it?"
"题目:-Excuse me, What is the size of the dress over there?        -____________ "
"题目:-Do you mind if I ask you why you’ve taken a part-time job here?        - _____________You know, there are many foreign customers like you here."
"题目:-It will start at 7 o’clock on Sunday evening. Will you come with your boyfriend?         -___________________"
"题目:-Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?        -_____________________"
"题目:-How is everything going recently?        -_________________"
题目:Three cakes are not ________ the four children.
题目:The evidence showed that the people have ______ a lot of damages.
题目:When she _______the result in the email, she knew that she failed.
题目:Knowing about oneself is the first step to _____ success.
题目:We hope the driver in this case is arrested and _______ justice.
题目:Why not ______ yourself with other friends together?
题目:Your background is ________ to the position you are seeking.
题目:You go straight _____ this road. Then you turn left.
题目:The Chinese Red Cross contributed a _____ sum to the relief of the physically disabled.
题目:______ our team have got the top prize.
题目:It is common practice now ________ the web for resources and information for homework.  
题目:Do you know that the senior members of our company were _______ about a short trip?
题目:The music sounds so _______that I like it very much.
题目:I have got_______, and I’ll confirm it twice.  
题目:How to _____ the problem is the key factor in the project.
题目:He refused to ______ my suggestions.
题目:I was at the gas station ______ my car and was short of money.
题目:We hope the driver in this case is arrested and brought to ________ .
题目:I’m going to be a volunteer in the international conference where I want to be _______ in the language.
题目:If you are traveling in the summer, I would _______ Paris or London.
题目:My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither _______ to my studies nor to my career interests.
题目:Thirty members are _________ when you organize a team .
题目:If you want more coffee, please ________ at the counter.
题目:At a time of this economic crisis, our _____ should be very clear about what we need to do.
题目:Criminals are given the _____ of going to jail or facing public humiliation.
题目:The doctor heard a recorded message and then went to the ________ room.
题目:There are a lot of _______for presents for birthday party.  
题目:Company employees are expected to use the Internet in ________ with these rules.
题目:She is due to  __________ on the topic of social work.
题目:He __________ in the concert.
题目:A place with a _______ climate would be OK.
题目:For a start, we need to _______  that many of them are about sixty years old.
题目:And they can either walk around the lake or take a boat  _______.
题目:If you want anything more, please let me _______ .
题目:You mean, volunteering could be one of the most _______ experiences of your life.
题目:My volunteer work helps me _______.
题目:You learn new skills by _______ new jobs.
题目:Someone _______me to a party.
题目:The practice will be ______ for my upcoming interview.
题目:I ______ from Peking University, majoring in Information Technology.
题目:A car accident can happen ____ you least expect it.
题目:Keep an eye for your belongings in the bus station _________ they might be stolen by thieves.
题目:The mother ________ her daughter for 2 hours.
题目:I ________in the city since I came to this country.
题目:___I work as a volunteer makes him surprised.
题目:But I have no idea _________ they would like to put up on their walls.
题目:The idea _________ we will have a picnic next week is good.
题目:_____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!
题目:_____pity you missed the lecture again!
题目:If I _________ the mayor of the city, I would introduce severe punishment for crimes.
题目:If you ______ a scientist, in what way would you deal with the problem?
题目:If there      _ no air or water there would be no living things on the earth.
题目:I know she likes sports. ___ do I.
题目:He _________ because of breaking into a store.
题目:The global network ________ by a single leak.
题目:14.He _______ the first prize.
题目:You blame me for that, _______?
题目:He can do it, _______?
题目:It was yesterday ____ I finished the job.
题目:What do you think ______solve the problem ?
题目:We have to collect enough evidence to show ____ we have suffered a lot of damages.
题目:You can meet people _______ can possibly help you find a paid job later on.
题目:At the wedding ShaShi delivers a beautiful speech in English, _______ is not her native tongue.
题目:I should __________ Alex this morning, but I forgot.
题目:Emails sent through the company email system ________ not have content that is considered to be offensive.
题目:You _  have told him yesterday that you were coming to the conference.
题目:Your background is ________ to the position you are seeking.
题目:He looked _______ after knowing the news.
题目:We were very _  in the novel she gave us yesterday.
题目:There’s ________ strange about you. That’s all right.
题目:Do you hear ________ strange? It is scaring.
题目:_____ is the elder brother in the family.
题目:Have you seen ___ recently?
题目:At the presentation, there will be several students ________ recognition awards from the headmaster.
题目:I don’t regret _________ the concert yesterday because of my baby’s first birthday.
题目:Never give up _________ your better life.
题目:I wonder if you could act as the professor _______ with me in advance.
题目:He refused ______ my advice.
题目:After swimming, I went on ________.
题目:Entertainment is one of the ________ reasons people like the Web.
题目: ____ Lily nor I am going to Beijing next year .
题目:Baidu is good for Chinese searches, ________ Yahoo is better for searching data in English.
题目:There are more and more crimes ______ a lack of rules and regulations.
题目:Professor Sun spoke on behalf      _ her school.
题目:If you are traveling in _     _ summer, I would recommend Changchun or Shenyang.
题目:______ earth runs around the sun.
题目:_      _ Great Wall is a symbol of China.
题目:There are __  days a week.
题目:We can act ________ the interview.
题目:It is sunny today. ____children have a picnic with their teachers in the park.
题目:We should all try our best to do some volunteer work.
题目:I’m going to be a volunteer in the 2022 Winter Olympics where I want to be helpful in the language.
题目:It sounds like a wonderful and attractive experience.
题目:Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood.
题目:But I have no idea what they would like to put up on their walls.
题目:At the next junction on your right, you’ll find a yellow building.
题目:I’ll go to the local department store and have a look around.
题目:Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé.
题目:9.This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening.
题目:The practice will be helpful for my upcoming interview.
题目:It seems that you’ve done a lot of preparation for this interview.
题目:Emails sent through the company email system should not have content that is considered to be offensive.
题目:You can also watch videos, play live games, or even download movies.
题目:It has become an important tool with many advantages.
题目:Company employees are expected to use the Internet in line with these rules.
题目:You can browse the Internet instead of going to the library.
"题目:They saw in my eyes that I meant it.        "
题目:Stay right where your daughter went away in case she comes back looking for you.
题目:Report the accident to your insurance company just in case you may need to file a claim.
题目:There are more and more crimes because of a lack of rules and regulations.
题目:15%-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses.
题目:It is therefore possible to make it public for legal reasons or to other suitable third parties.
题目: A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquents.
题目:Some children want to test their parents’ or society’s limits.
题目:You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others’ help.
题目: My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.
题目:Have others review your résumé and offer helpful advice.
"题目:Family will never put you down, (and) will never make you feel small.        "
"题目:Sometimes married couples don’t even know how the other is feeling.        "
"题目:You blame me for that, don’t you?        "
"题目:   The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten(幼儿园), usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama believes it is an economic and social problem; his education secretary goes as far as to say that it is “morally wrong”. This statement has some support, as it is clear from research into vocabulary that youngsters from poor families enter kindergarten well behind those from rich families — a disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the children of professionals had mastered 1,116.                Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last month, Mr. Obama called for a partnership between the federal government and the states to expand it to every American child. It later became known that “every” meant those who come from families with incomes of up to 200% above the poverty line-equal to an income of $47,000 for a family of four.                Some critics(评论家)say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20th new results were announced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children who had attended pre-school had better literacy(读写能力), language, math and science skills. And two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.                Some studies also follow the effects of early learning over lifetimes, such as its effect on crime rates and other factors that may eventually burden society. Critics have singled out a government scheme called Head Start, created in 1965, which provides poor households with a range of services including school-based early education.                1.The kindergarten in other rich countries usually begins    (1)   than in America.A.earlierB.laterC.slower     2.Which is TRUE about the vocabulary size of the two groups of kids?   (2)   A.Poor pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than rich ones.B.Rich pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than poor ones.C.There is no obvious difference between the two groups of kids.     3.Which of the following about the New Jersey study is TRUE?   (3)   A.There is no evidence to support the New Jersey study.B.Two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.C.Sending children to school at the age of four is not going to help.     4.The phrase “single out” in the last paragraph means _______.   (4)   A.countB.think aboutC.choose     5.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?   (5)   A.Secondary Education.B.Pre-school Education.C.Poor Kids’ Education.     "
题目:   My lovely hometown is located on the south shore of an island. It’s a small town with only about 9,000 people and an area of about 3.8 square miles.   First, I want to talk about the people in the neighborhood. Generally speaking, people are very nice here, especially in the summer. I feel that in the summer everyone is in a great mood, and very generous. For example, one summer afternoon, I was at the gas station filling up my car and was short of money. Generously an old gentleman gave me the money to pay the gas attendant. That’s the type of people you can expect from my hometown.   The greatest part about the town, in my opinion, is the location. The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it’s fantastic. Another great thing is how close everybody lives to each other. With it being such a small town, all my friends live five minutes away, which is a great advantage to me and everyone else. Lastly, the nightlife is great. On any Saturday night every bar is packed with people, so there’s always something going on.   So far I’ve explained the good side of my hometown, but there are also some boring things about it. It is great in the summer, but it is a different story in the winter. When winter comes around, the town turns into a “ghost town”. This is because there is nowhere to go. The only thing we have is a shopping center. It would be nice if we had a few more options to choose from.1.My lovely hometown is located on the    (1)   shore of an island.A.eastB.westC.south     2.Why are people nice here in my hometown especially in the summer?   (2)   A.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very happy.B.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very busy.C.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very boring.     3.That all my friends live very close to each other is a great   (3)   to me and everyone else.A.attendantB.advantageC.option     4.This text does not mention    (4)   .A.the nightlife in my hometownB.a shopping centerC.the cinema     5.In my opinion, my hometown    (5)   .A.is lovely and fantastic in all seasonsB.is lovely and fantastic except in winterC.is a small “ghost town” and there is nowhere to visit
"题目:   Volunteering is a great way to get work experience, and may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.                Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others’ help. Even now you might be on both sides of the service cycle: maybe you are a tutor for someone who can’t read, while last month the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you to the emergency room. Volunteering also includes “self-help.” So if you are active in your neighborhood crime watch, your home is protected while you protect your neighbors’ homes, too. It’s a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. In a word, adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone’s lives better.        1.After you have helped others, you might   (1)   .A.get guidance from someone else and maybe get a jobB.feel that you’re not as fortunate as othersC.feel that you are special     2.What is the meaning of the word “initiative” in paragraph1?   (2)   A.Benefit.B.Positive power.C.Energy.     3.Volunteering is a great way to    (3)   .A.earn a lot of money to become richB.get work experience and learn new skillsC.have pride in daily life     4.When we help others we internally(本质上)   (4)   .A.help ourselvesB.benefit from othersC.get something different in life     5.By volunteering, we can    (5)   .A.protect your neighbors’ homesB.rush to the volunteer ambulance corpsC.make one’s life easier and happier"
"题目:      My volunteer work helps me grow up. It has made me more aware of the difficulties other people go through and made me appreciate the simple things we have in life. It enables me, as an adult, to become more confident and to realize the difference I can make.                 I now have new career aspirations and the confidence to take forward these new ideas, since I started mentoring at the Open University and gained the experience of working with young students. I’ll go on to do a teaching assistant course and look for a volunteering teaching or youth work in the future.                My research project will be to build a spatial web application. It was inspired by the volunteering I do for another not-for-profit organization. My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests. I do it purely for pleasure, satisfaction and the feeling that I can help somebody. It’s made me a happier person, and I wouldn’t have got this far at university without it.         1.What’s the best title of the passage?   (1)   A.My Volunteering ExperienceB.My Research ProjectC.My Study     2.Which of the following statements does not help the author grow?   (2)   A.It has made the author more aware of the difficulties other people go through.B.It has made the author appreciate the simple things in life.C.It has made the author richer.     3.The author's research project is to build a    (3)   .A.websiteB.spatial web applicationC.internet school     4.The research project was inspired by the volunteering for another    (4)    organization.A.not-for-profitB.profitC.international     5.The author's attitude toward volunteering is   (5)   .A.criticalB.indifferentC.enthusiastic     "
"题目:         A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). How do you write a successful cover letter? Bear these points in mind, and you’ll always make a great impression.                Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.                Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don’t make the reader guess what you are asking for.                Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization — a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.                Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.                Call attention to your background — education, leadership, experience — that is relevant to the position you are seeking.                Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.        1.A cover letter is a letter of    (1)   sent along with a résumé.A.backgroundB.introductionC.reference     2.You should keep the cover letter   (2)    and to the point.A.complicatedB.longC.brief     3.Writing more than one page is usually   (3)   .A.usefulB.unnecessaryC.interesting     4.How many paragraphs would be sufficient if the cover letter is sent by email?   (4)   A.Three.B.Ten.C.Twenty.     5.The cover must be well written and targeted to the employer because    (5)   .A.the cover letter will be seen firstB.the cover letter will be seen lastC.the cover letter will not be seen"
"题目:       Cyber security has always been a serious issue as the internet industry is ever growing. Nowadays, people can easily connect to the Internet with a simple click of a mouse. But the global network can be easily destroyed by a single leak. The world is facing a difficult situation in keeping web security.                Currently, there are no unified international rules for maintaining internet security. China has called for unified international rules against internet crime. Last year China (and some other countries) handed in a draft Code of Conduct on Information Security to the UN.                World leaders and experts discussed the possible internet threats facing the world. They agreed that the only way to deal with internet security threats was to trust each other and strengthen cooperation. The threats cannot be solved by any one country alone. And for these reasons, countries would have a greater chance of trusting each other in dealing with such threats.                Though great efforts were made to issue common regulations for the internet, few results have been achieved yet. There’s still a long way to go for unified global internet security rules and regulations.                 1.Maintaining web security is    (1)    for Chin*A.A.easyB.a piece of cakeC.difficult     2.There are    (2)    to maintain cyberspace security.A.no unified international regulationsB.unified international regulationsC.worldwide unified international regulations     3.The only way to deal with cyber security threats was to    (3)   .A.depend on ChinaB.strengthen international cooperation and trust each otherC.depend on the UN     4.   (4)    results have been achieved, although great efforts have been made to make the common regulations.*A.A lot ofB.FewC.Good     5.   (5)   handed in a draft “Code of Conduct on Information Security”.A.China onlyB.The United StatesC.China (and some other countries)"
"题目:   The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten(幼儿园), usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama believes it is an economic and social problem; his education secretary goes as far as to say that it is “morally wrong”. This statement has some support, as it is clear from research into vocabulary that youngsters from poor families enter kindergarten well behind those from rich families — a disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the children of professionals had mastered 1,116.                Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last month, Mr. Obama called for a partnership between the federal government and the states to expand it to every American child. It later became known that “every” meant those who come from families with incomes of up to 200% above the poverty line-equal to an income of $47,000 for a family of four.                Some critics(评论家)say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20th new results were announced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children who had attended pre-school had better literacy(读写能力), language, math and science skills. And two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.                Some studies also follow the effects of early learning over lifetimes, such as its effect on crime rates and other factors that may eventually burden society. Critics have singled out a government scheme called Head Start, created in 1965, which provides poor households with a range of services including school-based early education.                1.The kindergarten in other rich countries usually begins    (1)   than in America.A.earlierB.laterC.slower     2.Which is TRUE about the vocabulary size of the two groups of kids?   (2)   A.Poor pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than rich ones.B.Rich pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than poor ones.C.There is no obvious difference between the two groups of kids.     3.Which of the following about the New Jersey study is TRUE?   (3)   A.There is no evidence to support the New Jersey study.B.Two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.C.Sending children to school at the age of four is not going to help.     4.The phrase “single out” in the last paragraph means _______.   (4)   A.countB.think aboutC.choose     5.Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?   (5)   A.Secondary Education.B.Pre-school Education.C.Poor Kids’ Education.     "
题目:   My lovely hometown is located on the south shore of an island. It’s a small town with only about 9,000 people and an area of about 3.8 square miles.   First, I want to talk about the people in the neighborhood. Generally speaking, people are very nice here, especially in the summer. I feel that in the summer everyone is in a great mood, and very generous. For example, one summer afternoon, I was at the gas station filling up my car and was short of money. Generously an old gentleman gave me the money to pay the gas attendant. That’s the type of people you can expect from my hometown.   The greatest part about the town, in my opinion, is the location. The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it’s fantastic. Another great thing is how close everybody lives to each other. With it being such a small town, all my friends live five minutes away, which is a great advantage to me and everyone else. Lastly, the nightlife is great. On any Saturday night every bar is packed with people, so there’s always something going on.   So far I’ve explained the good side of my hometown, but there are also some boring things about it. It is great in the summer, but it is a different story in the winter. When winter comes around, the town turns into a “ghost town”. This is because there is nowhere to go. The only thing we have is a shopping center. It would be nice if we had a few more options to choose from.1.My lovely hometown is located on the    (1)   shore of an island.A.eastB.westC.south     2.Why are people nice here in my hometown especially in the summer?   (2)   A.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very happy.B.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very busy.C.I feel that in the summer all the people here are very boring.     3.That all my friends live very close to each other is a great   (3)   to me and everyone else.A.attendantB.advantageC.option     4.This text does not mention    (4)   .A.the nightlife in my hometownB.a shopping centerC.the cinema     5.In my opinion, my hometown    (5)   .A.is lovely and fantastic in all seasonsB.is lovely and fantastic except in winterC.is a small “ghost town” and there is nowhere to visit
"题目:   Volunteering is a great way to get work experience, and may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.                Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others’ help. Even now you might be on both sides of the service cycle: maybe you are a tutor for someone who can’t read, while last month the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you to the emergency room. Volunteering also includes “self-help.” So if you are active in your neighborhood crime watch, your home is protected while you protect your neighbors’ homes, too. It’s a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. In a word, adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone’s lives better.        1.After you have helped others, you might   (1)   .A.get guidance from someone else and maybe get a jobB.feel that you’re not as fortunate as othersC.feel that you are special     2.What is the meaning of the word “initiative” in paragraph1?   (2)   A.Benefit.B.Positive power.C.Energy.     3.Volunteering is a great way to    (3)   .A.earn a lot of money to become richB.get work experience and learn new skillsC.have pride in daily life     4.When we help others we internally(本质上)   (4)   .A.help ourselvesB.benefit from othersC.get something different in life     5.By volunteering, we can    (5)   .A.protect your neighbors’ homesB.rush to the volunteer ambulance corpsC.make one’s life easier and happier"
"题目:      My volunteer work helps me grow up. It has made me more aware of the difficulties other people go through and made me appreciate the simple things we have in life. It enables me, as an adult, to become more confident and to realize the difference I can make.                 I now have new career aspirations and the confidence to take forward these new ideas, since I started mentoring at the Open University and gained the experience of working with young students. I’ll go on to do a teaching assistant course and look for a volunteering teaching or youth work in the future.                My research project will be to build a spatial web application. It was inspired by the volunteering I do for another not-for-profit organization. My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests. I do it purely for pleasure, satisfaction and the feeling that I can help somebody. It’s made me a happier person, and I wouldn’t have got this far at university without it.         1.What’s the best title of the passage?   (1)   A.My Volunteering ExperienceB.My Research ProjectC.My Study     2.Which of the following statements does not help the author grow?   (2)   A.It has made the author more aware of the difficulties other people go through.B.It has made the author appreciate the simple things in life.C.It has made the author richer.     3.The author's research project is to build a    (3)   .A.websiteB.spatial web applicationC.internet school     4.The research project was inspired by the volunteering for another    (4)    organization.A.not-for-profitB.profitC.international     5.The author's attitude toward volunteering is   (5)   .A.criticalB.indifferentC.enthusiastic     "
"题目:         A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). How do you write a successful cover letter? Bear these points in mind, and you’ll always make a great impression.                Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.                Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don’t make the reader guess what you are asking for.                Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization — a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.                Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.                Call attention to your background — education, leadership, experience — that is relevant to the position you are seeking.                Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.        1.A cover letter is a letter of    (1)   sent along with a résumé.A.backgroundB.introductionC.reference     2.You should keep the cover letter   (2)    and to the point.A.complicatedB.longC.brief     3.Writing more than one page is usually   (3)   .A.usefulB.unnecessaryC.interesting     4.How many paragraphs would be sufficient if the cover letter is sent by email?   (4)   A.Three.B.Ten.C.Twenty.     5.The cover must be well written and targeted to the employer because    (5)   .A.the cover letter will be seen firstB.the cover letter will be seen lastC.the cover letter will not be seen"
"题目:       Cyber security has always been a serious issue as the internet industry is ever growing. Nowadays, people can easily connect to the Internet with a simple click of a mouse. But the global network can be easily destroyed by a single leak. The world is facing a difficult situation in keeping web security.                Currently, there are no unified international rules for maintaining internet security. China has called for unified international rules against internet crime. Last year China (and some other countries) handed in a draft Code of Conduct on Information Security to the UN.                World leaders and experts discussed the possible internet threats facing the world. They agreed that the only way to deal with internet security threats was to trust each other and strengthen cooperation. The threats cannot be solved by any one country alone. And for these reasons, countries would have a greater chance of trusting each other in dealing with such threats.                Though great efforts were made to issue common regulations for the internet, few results have been achieved yet. There’s still a long way to go for unified global internet security rules and regulations.                 1.Maintaining web security is    (1)    for Chin*A.A.easyB.a piece of cakeC.difficult     2.There are    (2)    to maintain cyberspace security.A.no unified international regulationsB.unified international regulationsC.worldwide unified international regulations     3.The only way to deal with cyber security threats was to    (3)   .A.depend on ChinaB.strengthen international cooperation and trust each otherC.depend on the UN     4.   (4)    results have been achieved, although great efforts have been made to make the common regulations.*A.A lot ofB.FewC.Good     5.   (5)   handed in a draft “Code of Conduct on Information Security”.A.China onlyB.The United StatesC.China (and some other countries)"
题目: A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called “public interest law”(公共利益法). Many other lawyers serve only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they get. But what happens to people who need legal (法律上的) help and cannot pay these lawyers’ fees?        Public interest lawyers fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, gets less money than some lawyers, because she is willing to take less money. Her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all.        Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with bad goods. Others are in unsafe houses. Their cases are called “civil” cases. Still others are criminals (刑事犯罪), and they go to those public interest lawyers who are in charge of “criminal” cases.        These are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice (正义) throughout our society. 1.According to the passage, a person who needs and uses legal help is called a client.   (1)   TF  2.Public interest lawyers serve people who can pay high fees only.   (2)   TF  3.Public interest law is related with the service of humanity.   (3)   TF  4.Public interest law includes criminal cases only.   (4)   TF  5.A landlord refuses to fix a dangerous house which is NOT a matter for a civil case.   (5)   TF
"题目:       Lockwood Middle School        307 Main Street        Lockwood, NJ 51686         December 10, 2008                 Mrs. Jody Coling        President        Lockwood Health Association        23 Main Street        Lockwood, NJ                 Dear Mrs. Coling,                 My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of the students at Lockwood Middle School.                 Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that will be held in the media room of the school. The students will present a variety of proposals to solve the problem.                At the presentation, there will be several students receiving recognition awards from the headmaster. Refreshments will also be available.                 As you are a prominent figure in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our special presentation will be held on January 16th. Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.        We look forward to seeing you there.                Sincerely,         Ms. Susan Harris1.Susan Harris is writing on behalf of the teachers at Lockwood Middle School.   (1)   TF2.The students have no ideas how to solve the unemployment problem in Lockwood.   (2)   TF3.There will be several students receiving awards from the Headmaster at the presentation.   (3)   TF4.Refreshments will not be served at the presentation.   (4)   TF5.Mrs. Coling is a prominent figure in the community.   (5)   TF"
"题目:        The Internet has been perhaps the greatest innovation in information technology. It has become an important tool with many advantages.                First, the Internet is a treasure house of information and knowledge on any topic. It is common practice now to search the web for resources and information for homework, office presentations, work projects and studies, etc.                 Second, there are more and more massive open online courses (MOOCs). These MOOCs make it possible for people to carry out their learning any place around the world, and any time around the clock. As long as the learners have access to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing the pages or watching video lectures. In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors they otherwise would not be able to access.         Third, entertainment is one of the leading reasons people like the Web. Listening to music, playing games, watching movies, following the latest news about famous sports stars, movie stars and singers and looking into lifestyle websites have become day-to-day activities of many Internet users.                 One cannot imagine a social life without QQ or WeChat. These social apps have become our means for staying connected with friends, colleagues and family members, and staying in touch with the world.                 Last but not least, we can do shop and do other businesses online. We can order goods, books, tickets and pay bills without having to leave our homes or offices.        1.You can use the Internet to do a lot of things.   (1)   TF2.Now, only a few people know how to search the web for resources and information.   (2)   TF3.With the Internet, one can learn online anytime and anywhere.   (3)   TF4.QQ and WeChat are mentioned in the text as online shopping apps.   (4)   TF5.You can order online, but you must go to a bank to pay your bills.   (5)   TF"
"题目:       A Red, Red Rose        Robert Burns         O, my love is like a red, red rose,        That is newly sprung in June.        O, my love is like the melody,        That is sweetly played in tune.                As fair are you, my lovely lass,        So deep in love am I,        And I will love you still, my Dear,        Till all the seas go dry.                Till all the seas go dry, my Dear,        And the rocks melt with the sun!        O I will love you still, my Dear,        While the sands of life shall run.                And fare you well, my only Love,        And fare you well a while!        And I will come again, my Love,        Although it were ten thousand mile!                1.The poet wrote this poem to express his love for his lover.   (1)   TF2.It is implied in this poem that the author loved melody more than roses.   (2)   TF3.The poet thinks his lover is as beautiful as a red rose.   (3)   TF4.The poet believes love is permanent.   (4)   TF5.The poet wants to write a piece of melody to express his love.   (5)   TF"
题目:     A pedestrian was critically injured in a Westwood area car accident near the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Veteran Avenue early morning on January 5, 2016.             The police said it involved a hit-and-run driver. The car was dark and was last seen traveling east on Ashton Avenue from Veteran Avenue. The investigation is ongoing.             It appears that the driver struck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the victim lying in the roadway without even stopping to help or call emergency personnel. Outrageous! Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is a serious crime under California law. California Vehicle Code 20001 (a) states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”              We hope the driver in this case is arrested and brought to justice. If you have any information about the suspect or the vehicle, please visit the Hit-and-Run Reward website at hitandrunreward.com to offer a useful tip and become qualified for a $1,000 reward. 1.A pedestrian was dead in the hit-and-run case.   (1)   TF2.Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is not a serious crime under California law.   (2)   TF3.The investigation is of no results yet.   (3)   TF4.The driver was against the California Vehicle Code 20001.   (4)   TF5.Any information about hit-and-run cases provided via hitandrunreward.com can get $1,000 reward.   (5)   TF
题目:Juvenile Delinquency refers to criminal acts committed by children or teenagers, specifically anyone below the age of eighteen. These crimes hurt society and the children themselves.         There are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency.         Some children want to test their parents' or society's limits. Sometimes juvenile crimes happen because of a lack of rules and supervision. For example, many times children commit crimes after school and while their parents are at work.         Additionally, mental illness and substance abuse are main factors. 15-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses, when the range of mental illnesses widens,the percentages increase to 30-90%.         Also, many people believe, a child's environment and family are greatly related to their juvenile delinquency record. For example, the dynamics of a family can affect a child’s delinquency rate.                 Poverty level is another factor.         Finally, another cause could be the relationships a child grows in school or outside of school. A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquents. Peer pressure is also at play. Relationships and friendships can lead to gangs, these are major factors in violent crimes among teens.         These are just some of the causes of juvenile delinquency.  1.Juvenile Delinquency hurts the children themselves only.   (1)   TF2.There are five reasons for juvenile delinquency according to the text.   (2)   TF3.Parents should take some responsibility for juvenile delinquency.   (3)   TF4.Poverty has something to do with juvenile delinquency.   (4)   TF5.Peer pressure has no connection with juvenile delinquency.   (5)   TF
题目: A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called “public interest law”(公共利益法). Many other lawyers serve only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they get. But what happens to people who need legal (法律上的) help and cannot pay these lawyers’ fees?        Public interest lawyers fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, gets less money than some lawyers, because she is willing to take less money. Her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all.        Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with bad goods. Others are in unsafe houses. Their cases are called “civil” cases. Still others are criminals (刑事犯罪), and they go to those public interest lawyers who are in charge of “criminal” cases.        These are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice (正义) throughout our society. 1.According to the passage, a person who needs and uses legal help is called a client.   (1)   TF  2.Public interest lawyers serve people who can pay high fees only.   (2)   TF  3.Public interest law is related with the service of humanity.   (3)   TF  4.Public interest law includes criminal cases only.   (4)   TF  5.A landlord refuses to fix a dangerous house which is NOT a matter for a civil case.   (5)   TF
"题目:       Lockwood Middle School        307 Main Street        Lockwood, NJ 51686         December 10, 2008                 Mrs. Jody Coling        President        Lockwood Health Association        23 Main Street        Lockwood, NJ                 Dear Mrs. Coling,                 My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of the students at Lockwood Middle School.                 Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that will be held in the media room of the school. The students will present a variety of proposals to solve the problem.                At the presentation, there will be several students receiving recognition awards from the headmaster. Refreshments will also be available.                 As you are a prominent figure in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our special presentation will be held on January 16th. Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.        We look forward to seeing you there.                Sincerely,         Ms. Susan Harris1.Susan Harris is writing on behalf of the teachers at Lockwood Middle School.   (1)   TF2.The students have no ideas how to solve the unemployment problem in Lockwood.   (2)   TF3.There will be several students receiving awards from the Headmaster at the presentation.   (3)   TF4.Refreshments will not be served at the presentation.   (4)   TF5.Mrs. Coling is a prominent figure in the community.   (5)   TF"
"题目:        The Internet has been perhaps the greatest innovation in information technology. It has become an important tool with many advantages.                First, the Internet is a treasure house of information and knowledge on any topic. It is common practice now to search the web for resources and information for homework, office presentations, work projects and studies, etc.                 Second, there are more and more massive open online courses (MOOCs). These MOOCs make it possible for people to carry out their learning any place around the world, and any time around the clock. As long as the learners have access to a digital device which is linked up to the Internet, they can enjoy browsing the pages or watching video lectures. In doing so, they have opportunities to learn from professors they otherwise would not be able to access.         Third, entertainment is one of the leading reasons people like the Web. Listening to music, playing games, watching movies, following the latest news about famous sports stars, movie stars and singers and looking into lifestyle websites have become day-to-day activities of many Internet users.                 One cannot imagine a social life without QQ or WeChat. These social apps have become our means for staying connected with friends, colleagues and family members, and staying in touch with the world.                 Last but not least, we can do shop and do other businesses online. We can order goods, books, tickets and pay bills without having to leave our homes or offices.        1.You can use the Internet to do a lot of things.   (1)   TF2.Now, only a few people know how to search the web for resources and information.   (2)   TF3.With the Internet, one can learn online anytime and anywhere.   (3)   TF4.QQ and WeChat are mentioned in the text as online shopping apps.   (4)   TF5.You can order online, but you must go to a bank to pay your bills.   (5)   TF"
"题目:       A Red, Red Rose        Robert Burns         O, my love is like a red, red rose,        That is newly sprung in June.        O, my love is like the melody,        That is sweetly played in tune.                As fair are you, my lovely lass,        So deep in love am I,        And I will love you still, my Dear,        Till all the seas go dry.                Till all the seas go dry, my Dear,        And the rocks melt with the sun!        O I will love you still, my Dear,        While the sands of life shall run.                And fare you well, my only Love,        And fare you well a while!        And I will come again, my Love,        Although it were ten thousand mile!                1.The poet wrote this poem to express his love for his lover.   (1)   TF2.It is implied in this poem that the author loved melody more than roses.   (2)   TF3.The poet thinks his lover is as beautiful as a red rose.   (3)   TF4.The poet believes love is permanent.   (4)   TF5.The poet wants to write a piece of melody to express his love.   (5)   TF"
题目:     A pedestrian was critically injured in a Westwood area car accident near the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Veteran Avenue early morning on January 5, 2016.             The police said it involved a hit-and-run driver. The car was dark and was last seen traveling east on Ashton Avenue from Veteran Avenue. The investigation is ongoing.             It appears that the driver struck and seriously injured the pedestrian, and left the victim lying in the roadway without even stopping to help or call emergency personnel. Outrageous! Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is a serious crime under California law. California Vehicle Code 20001 (a) states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”              We hope the driver in this case is arrested and brought to justice. If you have any information about the suspect or the vehicle, please visit the Hit-and-Run Reward website at hitandrunreward.com to offer a useful tip and become qualified for a $1,000 reward. 1.A pedestrian was dead in the hit-and-run case.   (1)   TF2.Leaving the scene of an injury or fatal crash is not a serious crime under California law.   (2)   TF3.The investigation is of no results yet.   (3)   TF4.The driver was against the California Vehicle Code 20001.   (4)   TF5.Any information about hit-and-run cases provided via hitandrunreward.com can get $1,000 reward.   (5)   TF
题目:Juvenile Delinquency refers to criminal acts committed by children or teenagers, specifically anyone below the age of eighteen. These crimes hurt society and the children themselves.         There are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency.         Some children want to test their parents' or society's limits. Sometimes juvenile crimes happen because of a lack of rules and supervision. For example, many times children commit crimes after school and while their parents are at work.         Additionally, mental illness and substance abuse are main factors. 15-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses, when the range of mental illnesses widens,the percentages increase to 30-90%.         Also, many people believe, a child's environment and family are greatly related to their juvenile delinquency record. For example, the dynamics of a family can affect a child’s delinquency rate.                 Poverty level is another factor.         Finally, another cause could be the relationships a child grows in school or outside of school. A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquents. Peer pressure is also at play. Relationships and friendships can lead to gangs, these are major factors in violent crimes among teens.         These are just some of the causes of juvenile delinquency.  1.Juvenile Delinquency hurts the children themselves only.   (1)   TF2.There are five reasons for juvenile delinquency according to the text.   (2)   TF3.Parents should take some responsibility for juvenile delinquency.   (3)   TF4.Poverty has something to do with juvenile delinquency.   (4)   TF5.Peer pressure has no connection with juvenile delinquency.   (5)   TF

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