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题目:—Hello. May I speak to Tom?—__________. He is coming.
题目:—Can I borrow your car for a few days?  —_____________________
题目:— It’s raining outside! Can I borrow your umbrella for a moment? I need to pick my packages.  —_______________
题目:—It’s so glad to meet you here! Here, this is Cathleen, my fiancée. —_______________
题目: —I was worried about my driving test, but I passed it. — ____________________
题目:—Why did you stop my car, police officer? —You just ran a red light. __________________                     
题目:— I got a promotion in my company. — _____________________                     
题目:— Have you got a table for four, Waiter?—_____________________
题目:—Do you know that David injured his leg yesterday? — _____________________                    
题目:—Do you know that David injured his leg yesterday?— _____________________                    
题目:—We need some toothpaste.—_____________________
题目:— It is cold today. What would you like to do this afternoon?—_____________________
题目:—It’s cold here. Do you mind if I close the window?    —_____________________
题目:— Do you mind my smoking here?   — _____________________                    
题目:—Thank you too much for your lovely gift!   —___________________
题目:— What’s the weather like in your hometown?    — _____________________                    
题目:—Haven’t seen you for ages, Mike. ________________   — Pretty good. Everything goes well.
题目:— Excuse me. How much is the shirt?   —_____________________                     
题目:—If you play basketball on Saturday or Sunday, I’d like to play with you. How about this Saturday afternoon?   —______________
题目:—Thank you for sharing this with me.   —_________________
题目:— I hope I can join your company when I graduate from Yale.   — _____________________                    
题目:—Is there anything serious, doctor?    —_____________________                     
题目:—Which language do you speak at home?    — _____________________
题目:—Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily?   —__________
题目:— Thank you for inviting me.   —_____________________
题目:—Please sign here with your signature to give consent to our company for using your personal information.    —Hi, Li Ming. _______________
题目:—How do you do? Glad to meet you.   —_____________________
题目:—It’s cold here. Do you mind if I close the window?    —_____________________
题目:—Could you pass me the salt and pepper?   —_____________________
题目:—Hello, Can I speak to Liu Hui, please?   —_____________________
题目:She also suggests____ foreign students share housing with American students.
题目:It offers help to people ______ are in need.
题目:I ________ go to see my teacher next Monday.
题目:She suggested that the class ______ a gathering this Saturday.
题目:Kate ______ if she can use Tom’s bike.
题目:The police asked the driver to __________ the car to have an alcohol test.
题目:Video games are ______ with children and young people.
题目:Bankers were __________ of a world banking crisis.
题目:When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.
题目:He _______ enjoy the concert last Saturday.
题目:With the development of science , robot cooks ________ in our families in the future.
题目:The girl _____________ the case to the police when her parents arrived.
题目:Everyone in the family _______ Chinese food.
题目:They ______ programs to meet the needs of the individuals.
题目:The CEO ________ that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department at today’s meeting.
题目:I can ______ you to the railway station on foot.
题目:As a result of his hard work, he gained ______ to Beijing University.
题目:Many western festivals are ___________ at the very beginning.
题目:I’d like to know what time we can get our luggage_____________ it is in the port.
题目:This is the village ___ I spent my childhood.
题目:He was absent because he ______ last night.
题目:John ________ three bottles of beer just now, so he can’t drive himself home now.
题目:They must try to _________ the boundaries of knowledge.  
题目:The old lady __________Tom for breaking the window.
题目:Jim is one of the most popular ________ in my company.
题目:The firefighters are going to ______________ the cause of the fire.
题目:We can’t afford a bicycle, ________a car.
题目:His red face suggested that he _________ shy.
题目:He ______ in jail because he broke the traffic law last night.
题目:I believe you ________ a wonderful experience at Yale.
题目:CNN reported at least 20 people _____ for gunshot wounds in hospital.
题目:You are ____ to finish your homework on time.
题目:The traffic accident _________ three days ago.
题目:He is an ______ person and has many hobbies
题目:The government ______them with accommodation.
题目:Kate ______ if she can use Tom’s bike.
题目:The girl _____________ the case to the police when her parents arrived.
题目:His red face suggested that he _________ shy.
题目: I _______ to see the movie next Monday.
题目:The number of these families has ________ by 40 percent in the past ten years.
题目:Kate ______ if she can use Tom’s bike.
题目:I ______ in the Open University of China last year.
题目:Everything in it ___________ that Jacob is a Christian.
题目:Bankers were __________ of a world banking crisis.
题目:The police asked the driver to __________ the car to have an alcohol test.
题目:I _______ appointed as one of the deputy general managers in my company last week.
题目:He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.
题目:I _______ to see the movie next Monday.
题目:He ______ a class when the cell phone rang.
题目:He usually __________from headache.
题目:He made up a good __________for staying at home.
题目:Kate asks Tom to ______ a message for her.
题目:We can’t afford a bicycle, ________a car.
题目:They tend to blame themselves for the abuse and make ______ for the abuser.
题目:His red face suggested that he _________ shy.
题目:He told me the thief ______ by the police.
题目:It offers help to people ______ are in need.
题目:Please don’t make so much noise. The baby ________ now.
题目:Social workers should learn how to _________ people.
题目:St. Valentine’s Day is ________every year on February 14.
题目:I ______ in the Open University of China last year.
题目:It's been a(n) ___________ tradition ever since. People celebrate it every year.
题目:I am ______ of your success in your joB.  
题目:Someone suggested they ________ the car home, and said that the exercise would do them all good.
题目:He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.
题目:He ______ a class when the cell phone rang.
题目:At least 20 people were treated for gunshot wounds in hospital, three of _____ in serious conditions.
题目:Last but not ____, team building is pretty crucial if you want to succeed.
题目:The traffic accident _________ three days ago.
题目:When you feel _________, you should go to see a doctor.
题目:The CEO ________ that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department at today’s meeting.
题目:Don’t forget to ________ your seat belt.
题目:Special congratulations go to the winners, ______ work has demonstrated not only a high level of academic excellence, but also creativity and original thought.
题目:With the development of science , robot cooks ________ in our families in the future.
题目:Passers-by _______to see the accident.
题目: I _______ to see the movie next Monday.
题目:I can ______ you to the railway station on foot.
题目:We can’t afford a bicycle, ________a car.
题目:Kate asks Tom to ______ a message for her.
题目:You are ____ to finish your homework on time.
题目:The pace of __________ growth is picking up.
题目:The girl _____________ the case to the police when her parents arrived.
题目:Passers-by _______to see the accident.
题目:This is the village ___ I spent my childhood.
题目:I’d like to know what time we can get our luggage_____________ it is in the port.
题目:Jim is one of the most popular ________ in my company.
题目:He is respected as a very aggressive and ________ executive.
题目:The pace of __________ growth is picking up.
题目:They tend to blame themselves for the abuse and make ______ for the abuser.
题目:Bai Mei doesn’t know Liu Hui, so Zhuang Hua _________ her to Liu Hui.
题目:There’s a certain beauty in being a lone wolf.
题目:I’m not good at making friends with my colleagues, let alone my boss.
题目:Even though Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25, the Christmas Season usually lasts two weeks.
题目:.It will not help the situation.
题目:.Drink-driving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in 2014.
题目:I hope I can join your company when I graduate from Yale.
题目:Those who break the traffic law should be punished.
题目:If she had a car, she would give me a lift.
题目: Don’t get confused by dreams and goals.
题目:You need to turn your dreams into action.  
题目:The Mid-Autumn Festival, as the name suggests, falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.
题目: Passers-by were shocked to see the group.
题目:Some of the ticket machines require exact money.  
题目:They thought the attack was part of the show when they saw a person appearing at the front of the theater during the movie, pointing a gun at the crowd.
题目:You’ve been working so hard for it.
题目:I heard you work part-time at the City Social Work Center.
题目:I need to find out who helped me.
题目:They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do.
题目:He is slim with a light complexion.
题目:The authors have insisted that these stories will only ever be available in book form.
题目:Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school.
题目:Abusers use fear, guilt, shame to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb.
题目:Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become the Prime Minister.
题目:In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now, so her mother was laughed at and looked down upon for that.
题目:In order to be employed, you need to make a very good first impression.
题目:She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail.
题目:There was food and drink on the table but all people had vanished.
题目:You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe.
题目:I had to give up the chance to work in a big company.
题目:The possibilities range from cafés to high-class restaurants.

题目:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。Passage  1   Top students from across the country won the Academy Excellence Awards in 2012. The Awards celebrate the academic achievements of middle school students.   This year, there were entries from more than 4,000 students from 300 schools across England in response to questions set by Nottingham academics.  The Team Award went to five students from The King Edward VI Camp Hill School in Birmingham. They won a week-long trip to Malaysia.   One of the organizers commented: “The winners of the Academy Excellence Awards should be very proud of their achievements. They have shown real talent and passion in their subjects and will no doubt go on to do great things.”   Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Nottingham, said: “Special congratulations go to the winners, whose work has demonstrated not only a high level of academic excellence, but also creativity and original thought...” 26. What did the Awards celebrate?   (1)   A.  Academic achievements of middle school.B.  Anniversary of a middle school.C.  Graduation ceremony of a middle school.27. What does the word “entries” in the second paragraph mean?   (2)   A.  入口B.  候选人C.参加比赛的人28.Which school won the Team Award?   (3)   A.  A middle school in Nottingham.B.  The King Edward VI Camp Hill School.C.  The King Edward V School.29. What’s the reward of the Team Award?   (4)   A.  A week-long trip to Malaysia.B.  Five thousand dollars.C.  A certificate.30. What’s the organizer’s attitude toward to the Award?   (5)   A.  Negative.B.  Positive.C.  Doubtful.
题目:Passage  2    Do you lack friends? Do you want to make more friends? If so, you may read on…    There's a certain beauty in being a lonely wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships.     Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games.      Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet.      Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends. 26.How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends?   (1)   A.  ThreeB.  FourC.  Two27.If you want to make more friends, first you need to   (2)    A.  join a clubB.  chat on the internetC.  put yourself out28.What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph 3?   (3)   A.  直线的B.  在线的C.  线下的29.What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team?   (4)   A.  You have to be good at playing a particular sport.B.  You must enjoy the sport.C.  You must support your teammates.30.The main point of this passage is about   (5)   .A.  how to talk with friendsB.  how to make more friendsC.  how to study English well
题目:Passage 3      One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends.       Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder.      Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together.     She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career. 26.According to paragraph one, what was the percentage of foreign students had no close American friends?   (1)   A.  72%B.  38%C.  28%27. Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students?   (2)   A.  American studentsB.  InstitutionsC.  The college or university28.Which way is a good way to improve the relationship?   (3)   A.  Stay at dormitory all day.B.  Play with students from home country.C.  Take part in some activities with local students.29. Does Ms. Gareis say the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term?   (4)   A.  NoB.  YesC.  Not mentioned30. What is the best title for the passage?   (5)   A.  Helping International Students Make Friends.B.  How to Study Overseas.C.  How to Take Part in Friends’ Party.
题目:passage 4     Mid-autumn Day is for families to get together in China. People show their thanks for the year’s harvest and pray for another year of good harvest. Moon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival.   Mid-autumn Day was a harvest festival long time ago. The story goes as follows.    Long time ago, there were 10 badly behaved suns in the sky. Houyi, a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth.   The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wangmu, the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pill. When he came back home, he gave it to Chang’e, his wife asking her to keep it safe.  While Houyi was away, an evil follower tried to steal the pill. Chang’e put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon.Houyi cried for the loss of his wife. He laid a table in his yard and put out some of Chang’e’s favorite foods. Moon cakes are among them. People then followed and prayed to Chang’e, now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests. 26. Mid-autumn Day is for families to    (1)   in China.A.  get togetherB.  have a danceC.  go to parks27.One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the   (2)   .A.  dumplingsB.  moon cakeC.  noodles28.Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns?   (3)   A.  In order to be a hero.B.  In order to have fun.C.  In order to save the people and the earth.29. Chang’e put the pill into her mouth because   (4)   .A.  an evil follower wanted to steal the pillB.  she would never die after she ate the pillC.  Houyi asked her to take the pill30. Which of the following statements about Chang’e is not true?   (5)   A.  Moon cakes are among Chang’e’s favorite foods.B.  Chang’e floated to the moon after she ate the pill.C.  Chang’e was very selfish because she ate the pill.
题目:passage 5     What do I do at the party?    You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself. You should introduce yourself to new people in the group. You should avoid personal questions about family until you know them better. Good topics of conversation are films, books, television programs, holidays, jobs, the town you are in, etc.   You should ask for permission to smoke; say “Is it alright if I smoke” Or, better, you should go outside to smoke. Many people don’t like the smell of smoke inside.    What do I do when I leave?   If you are not a close friend of the hosts, you shouldn’t be the last to leave.   You should say “Thank you” to the hosts and say “It was a lovely party. I really enjoyed myself. And then you should go back to people you talked to and say “I was very nice to meet you.”26. When you go to get a drink for yourself, you should   (1)   .A.  introduce yourself firstB.  offer to get drinks for other people in the groupC.  ask for permission27.You should not talk about   (2)    with new people.A.  the town you are inB.  television programsC.  personal questions about family28. People don’t like the smell of smoke inside, so you should    (3)   .A.  not smoke before you go to a partyB.  go outside to smokeC.  smoke in the kitchen29.    (4)   get drinks for other people at a party.A.  You should always offer toB.  You should neverC.  You should say sorry if you30. You say “It was very nice to meet you” when you   (5)   .A.  meet other guestsB.  leave other guestsC.  meet your hosts
题目:passage 6    England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. People who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September; this is probable true of the North of England and the Midland. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One result is that when people retire form a job in the north, they often prefer to move down to the milder south.   Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the south-west, which consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall. The warm Gulf Steam flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the south-west of England. Flowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier than those elsewhere. Farmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlier. In winter there may be probably no snow at all in the south-west. This may be one of the reasons why the south-west is one of England’s most popular holiday areas. 26.The distance from the center of England to the south coast is about    (1)   .A.  one hundred milesB.  three hundred milesC.  one hundred and fifty miles27. England is a country    (2)   .A.  with a cold and wet climateB.  with a pleasant climateC.  with a variety of climate28.According to the passage,    (3)   A.  flowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlierB.  farmers in the south-west grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhereC.  vegetable in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers29.In the north of England and the Midland,   (4)   A.  it is cold and wet all the year roundB.  it is warm most of the time in a yearC.  only the summer is not cold and wet30. In winter, people in Devon and Cornwall   (5)   .A.  hardly see any snowB.  never see any snowC.  may have several feet of snow
题目:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。Passage  1   Top students from across the country won the Academy Excellence Awards in 2012. The Awards celebrate the academic achievements of middle school students.   This year, there were entries from more than 4,000 students from 300 schools across England in response to questions set by Nottingham academics.  The Team Award went to five students from The King Edward VI Camp Hill School in Birmingham. They won a week-long trip to Malaysia.   One of the organizers commented: “The winners of the Academy Excellence Awards should be very proud of their achievements. They have shown real talent and passion in their subjects and will no doubt go on to do great things.”   Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Nottingham, said: “Special congratulations go to the winners, whose work has demonstrated not only a high level of academic excellence, but also creativity and original thought...” 26. What did the Awards celebrate?   (1)   A.  Academic achievements of middle school.B.  Anniversary of a middle school.C.  Graduation ceremony of a middle school.27. What does the word “entries” in the second paragraph mean?   (2)   A.  入口B.  候选人C.参加比赛的人28.Which school won the Team Award?   (3)   A.  A middle school in Nottingham.B.  The King Edward VI Camp Hill School.C.  The King Edward V School.29. What’s the reward of the Team Award?   (4)   A.  A week-long trip to Malaysia.B.  Five thousand dollars.C.  A certificate.30. What’s the organizer’s attitude toward to the Award?   (5)   A.  Negative.B.  Positive.C.  Doubtful.
题目:Passage  2    Do you lack friends? Do you want to make more friends? If so, you may read on…    There's a certain beauty in being a lonely wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships.     Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games.      Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet.      Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends. 26.How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends?   (1)   A.  ThreeB.  FourC.  Two27.If you want to make more friends, first you need to   (2)    A.  join a clubB.  chat on the internetC.  put yourself out28.What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph 3?   (3)   A.  直线的B.  在线的C.  线下的29.What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team?   (4)   A.  You have to be good at playing a particular sport.B.  You must enjoy the sport.C.  You must support your teammates.30.The main point of this passage is about   (5)   .A.  how to talk with friendsB.  how to make more friendsC.  how to study English well
题目:Passage 3      One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends.       Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder.      Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together.     She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career. 26.According to paragraph one, what was the percentage of foreign students had no close American friends?   (1)   A.  72%B.  38%C.  28%27. Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students?   (2)   A.  American studentsB.  InstitutionsC.  The college or university28.Which way is a good way to improve the relationship?   (3)   A.  Stay at dormitory all day.B.  Play with students from home country.C.  Take part in some activities with local students.29. Does Ms. Gareis say the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term?   (4)   A.  NoB.  YesC.  Not mentioned30. What is the best title for the passage?   (5)   A.  Helping International Students Make Friends.B.  How to Study Overseas.C.  How to Take Part in Friends’ Party.
题目:passage 4     Mid-autumn Day is for families to get together in China. People show their thanks for the year’s harvest and pray for another year of good harvest. Moon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival.   Mid-autumn Day was a harvest festival long time ago. The story goes as follows.    Long time ago, there were 10 badly behaved suns in the sky. Houyi, a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth.   The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wangmu, the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pill. When he came back home, he gave it to Chang’e, his wife asking her to keep it safe.  While Houyi was away, an evil follower tried to steal the pill. Chang’e put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon.Houyi cried for the loss of his wife. He laid a table in his yard and put out some of Chang’e’s favorite foods. Moon cakes are among them. People then followed and prayed to Chang’e, now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests. 26. Mid-autumn Day is for families to    (1)   in China.A.  get togetherB.  have a danceC.  go to parks27.One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the   (2)   .A.  dumplingsB.  moon cakeC.  noodles28.Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns?   (3)   A.  In order to be a hero.B.  In order to have fun.C.  In order to save the people and the earth.29. Chang’e put the pill into her mouth because   (4)   .A.  an evil follower wanted to steal the pillB.  she would never die after she ate the pillC.  Houyi asked her to take the pill30. Which of the following statements about Chang’e is not true?   (5)   A.  Moon cakes are among Chang’e’s favorite foods.B.  Chang’e floated to the moon after she ate the pill.C.  Chang’e was very selfish because she ate the pill.
题目:passage 5     What do I do at the party?    You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself. You should introduce yourself to new people in the group. You should avoid personal questions about family until you know them better. Good topics of conversation are films, books, television programs, holidays, jobs, the town you are in, etc.   You should ask for permission to smoke; say “Is it alright if I smoke” Or, better, you should go outside to smoke. Many people don’t like the smell of smoke inside.    What do I do when I leave?   If you are not a close friend of the hosts, you shouldn’t be the last to leave.   You should say “Thank you” to the hosts and say “It was a lovely party. I really enjoyed myself. And then you should go back to people you talked to and say “I was very nice to meet you.”26. When you go to get a drink for yourself, you should   (1)   .A.  introduce yourself firstB.  offer to get drinks for other people in the groupC.  ask for permission27.You should not talk about   (2)    with new people.A.  the town you are inB.  television programsC.  personal questions about family28. People don’t like the smell of smoke inside, so you should    (3)   .A.  not smoke before you go to a partyB.  go outside to smokeC.  smoke in the kitchen29.    (4)   get drinks for other people at a party.A.  You should always offer toB.  You should neverC.  You should say sorry if you30. You say “It was very nice to meet you” when you   (5)   .A.  meet other guestsB.  leave other guestsC.  meet your hosts
题目:passage 6    England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. People who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September; this is probable true of the North of England and the Midland. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One result is that when people retire form a job in the north, they often prefer to move down to the milder south.   Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the south-west, which consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall. The warm Gulf Steam flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the south-west of England. Flowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier than those elsewhere. Farmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlier. In winter there may be probably no snow at all in the south-west. This may be one of the reasons why the south-west is one of England’s most popular holiday areas. 26.The distance from the center of England to the south coast is about    (1)   .A.  one hundred milesB.  three hundred milesC.  one hundred and fifty miles27. England is a country    (2)   .A.  with a cold and wet climateB.  with a pleasant climateC.  with a variety of climate28.According to the passage,    (3)   A.  flowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlierB.  farmers in the south-west grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhereC.  vegetable in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers29.In the north of England and the Midland,   (4)   A.  it is cold and wet all the year roundB.  it is warm most of the time in a yearC.  only the summer is not cold and wet30. In winter, people in Devon and Cornwall   (5)   .A.  hardly see any snowB.  never see any snowC.  may have several feet of snow
题目:passage  1       Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen, and became a mother by eighteen. Sadly, the same year, her father died. She was heartbroken and had to face reality at a very young age. She tried hard to take good care of her baby as a mother, though she herself was still a child. She spent her teenage years in an effort to make her child’s childhood happy.       Growing up, for Susan, was not exactly a fairy tale. Susan’s mother was only eighteen when she had her daughter. In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now, so her mother was laughed at and looked down upon for that. Because of this, her father didn’t have feelings for her mother any more, and put Susan into the hands of her grandmother. Susan’s grandmother raised her and took care of her when she was a teenager.              Her poor childhood really shaped the person that she became. Even with the task of raising her baby, she is still able to work full time as a waitress, finish high school, and even plans to go to college.21. When Susan gave birth to a baby, she was seventeen.   (1)   A.TB.F22. Though Susan was still a child, she tried to be a good mother.   (2)   A.TB.F23.A very young mother in those years was as common as it is now.   (3)   A.TB.F24. Susan’s mother was laughed at and looked down upon by others.   (4)   A.TB.F25.Susan still works hard to live her life.   (5)   A.TB. F
题目:Passage   2    Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life? I’m sorry to tell you that dreams won’t come true. It’s your goals that can forever change your life. You need to set goals in order to turn your dreams into reality.   Don’t get confused by dreams and goals. Dreams are easy. They are free, too. However, dreams are imaginary. And they don’t produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.   Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life. Goals are all about action. Goals change you and then change your life. 21.Dreams always come true.   (1)   A.TB.F 22.Goals can change your life.   (2)   A.TB.F 23.Dreams are the same as goals.   (3)   A.TB.F 24.Dreams can’t produce tangible results.   (4)   A.TB. F  25.Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage 3   Last one night, a police officer was waiting outside a noisy bar to look into possible bad behaviors. At closing time, a man walked out unsteadily, fell off the sidewalk, and tried his keys in five different cars before he found his. Then he sat in the front seat trying to start his car for quite a few minutes. Everyone else left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started his engine and began to pull away. The police officer came over, stopped his car, and asked him to do the breath alcohol test. The test results showed a reading of 0.00. “This is strange,” the officer thought. He wondered how that could be. The driver replied, “Tonight I’m asked to act as if I am drunk. Now they are all safe!” 21.The police officer wanted to have a drink.   (1)   A.TB.F22.he man who walked out unsteadily from the bar was too drunk.   (2)   A.TB.F 23.Everyone else left the bar and drove off.   (3)   A.TB.F24.The man was too drunk to start his engine.   (4)   A.TB.F25.The police officer thought the man was drunk.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:Passage 4        Most of us like chocolate but have you wondered where it comes from or how it is made?      Chocolate comes from the Aztecs. It was first introduced into Europe by the Spaniards, who learned about it from the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish invasion of Mexico by Cortés in 1519. It was then brought to England around 1657. In the United States, chocolate was first manufactured in 1765. By the early 1990s, the USA was producing 1.2 million tons of chocolate a year. It is believed that in that year, the average American ate about 5.1 kilos of chocolate!      Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree which is more commonly known as the cocoa bean. The beans are dried in the sun, cleaned in special machines and roasted. They are then shelled and ground into chocolate.     21.Chocolate comes from Europe.   (1)   A. TB.F 22.Chocolate came into England around 1657.   (2)   A.TB.F23.In the United States, chocolate was first made in 1865.   (3)   A.TB.F 24.The cacao tree is more commonly known as the cocoa bean.   (4)   A.TB.F25.Cocoa beans must be dried and roasted before being shelled and ground into chocolate.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage 5    The United Kingdom has various bank holidays, public holidays, traditional holidays and national events scattered across its calendar. Some date back hundreds of years, while others are more recent. Here are just a few of the typical British festivals. They are also common in many other Western countries.          St. Valentine’s Day            St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year on the February 14. It is the time to express one’s love and for making a proposal of marriage to one’s lover. Today, St. Valentine’s Day has become popular throughout the world, commonly known as Valentine’s Day           Halloween            November 1 is All Saints’ Day in Western countries. The evening of October 31 is called All Hallows Eve, often called Halloween. Halloween is a favorite festival among kids because they can be naughty and have a lot of fun during the festival. On All Hallows Eve, children put on scary masks and clothes and walk around to trick others and often visit local houses and ask for candy. People make paper-cut Halloween ghosts, black cats and witches as symbols of Halloween.           Christmas             Originally, Christmas was a religious festival. It is the birthday of Jesus Christ, but over the years it has gradually become an international cultural holiday. Christmas is very popular in many Western countries. Christmas is normally celebrated by having a family get-together and eating a large lunch together. Even though Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25, the Christmas Season usually lasts two weeks. During this season, people write and send Christmas greeting cards around the world and exchange good wishes and greetings between people by telephone and Internet.21.All festivals celebrated in England can date back 100 years or more.   (1)   A.TB.F22.Today, people all over the world know St. Valentine’s Day.   (2)   A.TB.F23.Halloween falls on the end of November.   (3)   A.TB.F24.Symbols of Halloween include ghosts, black cats and witches.   (4)   A.TB.F 25.The birthday of Jesus Christ is on December 25.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage 6      Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I’m a freshman at the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help take care of the homeless and sick people, talk to them and accompany them, do the cleaning and other house chores. I enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life.     I love being a social worker. I used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school. It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to others. I want to make a difference in the world. 21.Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.   (1)   A.TB.F22.His major is marketing.   (2)   A. TB.F23.He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.   (3)   A.TB.F24.He wants to change the world and make it better.   (4)   A.TB.F25.He is proud of being a social worker.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage  1       Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen, and became a mother by eighteen. Sadly, the same year, her father died. She was heartbroken and had to face reality at a very young age. She tried hard to take good care of her baby as a mother, though she herself was still a child. She spent her teenage years in an effort to make her child’s childhood happy.       Growing up, for Susan, was not exactly a fairy tale. Susan’s mother was only eighteen when she had her daughter. In those years, a very young mother was not as common as it is now, so her mother was laughed at and looked down upon for that. Because of this, her father didn’t have feelings for her mother any more, and put Susan into the hands of her grandmother. Susan’s grandmother raised her and took care of her when she was a teenager.              Her poor childhood really shaped the person that she became. Even with the task of raising her baby, she is still able to work full time as a waitress, finish high school, and even plans to go to college.21. When Susan gave birth to a baby, she was seventeen.   (1)   A.TB.F22. Though Susan was still a child, she tried to be a good mother.   (2)   A.TB.F23.A very young mother in those years was as common as it is now.   (3)   A.TB.F24. Susan’s mother was laughed at and looked down upon by others.   (4)   A.TB.F25.Susan still works hard to live her life.   (5)   A.TB. F
题目:Passage   2    Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life? I’m sorry to tell you that dreams won’t come true. It’s your goals that can forever change your life. You need to set goals in order to turn your dreams into reality.   Don’t get confused by dreams and goals. Dreams are easy. They are free, too. However, dreams are imaginary. And they don’t produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams into action. You need goals to make the visions of your dreams real.   Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life. Goals are all about action. Goals change you and then change your life. 21.Dreams always come true.   (1)   A.TB.F 22.Goals can change your life.   (2)   A.TB.F 23.Dreams are the same as goals.   (3)   A.TB.F 24.Dreams can’t produce tangible results.   (4)   A.TB. F  25.Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage 3   Last one night, a police officer was waiting outside a noisy bar to look into possible bad behaviors. At closing time, a man walked out unsteadily, fell off the sidewalk, and tried his keys in five different cars before he found his. Then he sat in the front seat trying to start his car for quite a few minutes. Everyone else left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started his engine and began to pull away. The police officer came over, stopped his car, and asked him to do the breath alcohol test. The test results showed a reading of 0.00. “This is strange,” the officer thought. He wondered how that could be. The driver replied, “Tonight I’m asked to act as if I am drunk. Now they are all safe!” 21.The police officer wanted to have a drink.   (1)   A.TB.F22.he man who walked out unsteadily from the bar was too drunk.   (2)   A.TB.F 23.Everyone else left the bar and drove off.   (3)   A.TB.F24.The man was too drunk to start his engine.   (4)   A.TB.F25.The police officer thought the man was drunk.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:Passage 4        Most of us like chocolate but have you wondered where it comes from or how it is made?      Chocolate comes from the Aztecs. It was first introduced into Europe by the Spaniards, who learned about it from the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish invasion of Mexico by Cortés in 1519. It was then brought to England around 1657. In the United States, chocolate was first manufactured in 1765. By the early 1990s, the USA was producing 1.2 million tons of chocolate a year. It is believed that in that year, the average American ate about 5.1 kilos of chocolate!      Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree which is more commonly known as the cocoa bean. The beans are dried in the sun, cleaned in special machines and roasted. They are then shelled and ground into chocolate.     21.Chocolate comes from Europe.   (1)   A. TB.F 22.Chocolate came into England around 1657.   (2)   A.TB.F23.In the United States, chocolate was first made in 1865.   (3)   A.TB.F 24.The cacao tree is more commonly known as the cocoa bean.   (4)   A.TB.F25.Cocoa beans must be dried and roasted before being shelled and ground into chocolate.   (5)   A.TB.F
题目:passage 5    The United Kingdom has various bank holidays, public holidays, traditional holidays and national events scattered across its calendar. Some date back hundreds of years, while others are more recent. Here are just a few of the typical British festivals. They are also common in many other Western countries.          St. Valentine’s Day            St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year on the February 14. It is the time to express one’s love and for making a proposal of marriage to one’s lover. Today, St. Valentine’s Day has become popular throughout the world, commonly known as Valentine’
题目:passage 6      Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I’m a freshman at the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help take care of the homeless and sick people, talk to them and accompany them, do the cleaning and other house chores. I enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life.     I love being a social worker. I used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school. It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to others. I want to make a difference in the world. 21.Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.   (1)   A.TB.F22.His major is marketing.   (2)   A. TB.F23.He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.   (3)   A.TB.F24.He wants to change the world and make it better.   (4)   A.TB.F25.He is proud of being a social worker.   (5)   A.TB.F


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