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— Can I smoke here?   


A. I’m afraid you can’t, sir.
B. Here you are.
C. Not at all.
题目2: —What vegetables would you like?   
A. Spinach, please.
B. Sorry, I don’t like fish.
C. That’s just too bad.
题目3: —By the way, what kind of tea is this?  
A. Jasmine tea.
B. It’s my favourite tea.
C. That’s great.
题目4: — Can you tell me why my tea has a stale smell?
A. Maybe you didn’t store it properly.
B. I have no idea.
C. I don’t like the smell either.
题目5: —__________  
   — For more than three years.

A. Did you work in the teahouse?
B. How long have you been working in the teahouse?
C. When did you work in the teahouse?
  We taste tea leaves _____ chewing them carefully.
A. with
B. by
C. in
题目7: The air in the countryside is _____ and clean.

A. fried
B. fresh
C. fetch
题目8: Jack is tired. He is walking _____.
A. slow
B. slowly
C. slowing
题目9: Would you like to go swimming _____ running?
A. and
B. or
C. but
题目10: It is the party for his _____ birthday.
A. 21th
B. 21st
C. 21rd
题目11: Jenny comes to my birthday party _____ a bottle of wine.
A. with
B. by
C. in
题目12: The leaves should be _____ to make a rustling noise in the palm.
A. so drying
B. dry enough
C. enough dry
题目13: Look! Those boys _____ football now.
A. is playing  
B. are playing
C. playing
题目14: How fast _____!
A. speaks the student
B. the student speaks
C. the student to speak
题目15: We _____ like coffee before_____ all.
A. don’t … at   
B. didn’t … at  
C. didn’t … in
题目16: Will you go shopping _____ your sister this afternoon?
A. with
B. to
C. in
题目17: How many people _____ in your family?
A. are there     
B. there are
C. there is
题目18: Sorry. I don’t know much _____ the film.
A. about
B. of      
C. for
题目19: The weather in autumn is _____ and comfortable.
A. cool
B. cold
C. hot
题目20: This city is famous ____ its beautiful buildings.
A. on
B. at   
C. for
题目21: It is a non-smoking area. You _____ smoke here.
A. won’t   
B. don’t  
C. can’t
题目22: The teacher starts her lesson _____ a funny story.
A. about
B. with  
C. in
题目23: Remember, always _____ a dictionary at hand.
A. keep   
B. to keep   
C. keeping
题目24: ______ the window, please. It is so cold.
A. To close     
B. Closing     
C. Close
题目25: The tea is mixed _____ dried jasmine.
A. to   
B. with   
C. in
tea liquor

A. 茶汤  
B. 茶色
C. 茶汁
题目27:  a burnt taste

A. 焦味

B. 酸味
C. 陈味
题目28: tea fragrance
A.  茶渣
B. 茶香
C. 天然香味
题目29: shelf life

A. 通风

B. 恒温
C. 保质期
题目30: a foil pack
A. 铝箔袋

B. 茶罐
C. 茶壶
题目31: the aging process
A. 发酵过程  

B. 陈化过程
C. 氧化过程
题目32: scented tea
A. 花茶

B. 砖茶
C. 菊花茶
题目33: non-fermented tea

A. 全发酵茶

B. 半发酵茶
C. 不发酵茶
题目34: herbal tea
A. 擂茶
B. 凉茶
C. 砖茶
题目35: sweet aftertaste
A. 余味
B. 涩味
C. 回甘
题目36: Why do the Chinese people go to visit the teahouse?
A. To drink tea.
B. To buy tea.
C. To sell tea.
题目37: Which of the following was a place to sell tea?
A. Chalou.
B.  Chating.
C. Chafang.
题目38: For whom did teahouses finally become important meeting places?
A. All kinds of people.
B. Rich people.
C. The Manchu people.
题目39: The word “similar to” means ______.
A. different from
B. the same as
C. close to
题目40: Which of the following is not one of the reasons why people come to teahouses?
A. To share social information.
B. To taste tea.
C. To eat food.
题目41: Why is tea drinking a good habit?
A. It can make tea drinkers have enough water.
B. It helps with digestion.
C. All the above.
题目42: Which of the following statements is true about drinking tea?
A. It doesn’t have any side effects.
B.  It may be harmful to your teeth.
C. Catechins are good for your health.  
题目43: Which of the following is not good for health?
A. Drink immediately after making tea.
B. Steep the tea for four minutes.
C. Drink a cup of tea a few times a day.
题目44: How many cups of green tea should we drink every day?
A.  A cup
B. Two cups.
C. Three cups.
题目45: When is it good to drink tea?
A. Before meals.
B. After meals.
C. Between meals.


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