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--- Hi, how’s everything going?
--- Not too bad. And you? _____.
A. Haven’t seen you around lately.
B. Hadn’t seen you around lately.
C. Didn’t see you around lately.?
"题目2.--- Must he copy the new words twice?

--- No, he _____.
A. mustn’t
B. needn’t
C. can’t
"题目3.--- How is your new job?

--- _____________________________
A. It is not easy, but I like it.?
B. I work with my classmates.
C. I will go on.?
"题目4.--- Will you show me how to use this software?

--- _____________________________
A. Sure, you’ll master it in no time.
B. You are welcome.
C. Sorry, I’m too late for it.?
"题目5.--- Do you mind if I smoke here?

--- _____________________________
A. Yes, please.
B. Never mind.
C. You’d better not.?
Let me think…I _____ this time yesterday.
A. typed
B. type
C. was typing
"题目7.You will fly to Beijing tomorrow, _____ you?
A. don’t
B. won’t
C. aren’t
"题目8.I am looking forward _____ you again in the near future.
A. to meet
B. meeting
C. to meeting?
"题目9.The woman _____ a nurse in this famous hospital for 20 year.
A. is
B. will be
C. has been?
"题目10.I wish I ____ as good as you.
A. could be
B. will be
C. must be
"题目11._____ the new book? I _____ it the day before yesterday.
A. Have you got…have got
B. Did you get…have got
C. Have you got…got
"题目12.Would you mind _____ me your bike tomorrow?
A. lending
B. to lend
C. lend
"题目13.He told me that the company _____ my application.
A. received
B. had received
C. has received
"题目14.There _____ a basketball much on TV tonight.
A. is going to be
B. will have
C. is going to have
"题目15.Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, _____ in March 1930.
A. is discovered
B. was discovered
C. has been discovered
"题目16.Visitors usually ask _____ the history of the castle.
A. about
B. to
C. for
"题目17.Her grandmother was ill and it _____ her family a large sum of money.
A. took
B. cost
C. spent
"题目18.If it_____, we will not go swimming tomorrow.
A. rains
B. is going to rain
C. will rain
"题目19._____ difficult for a newcomer _____ such a wonderful plan.
A. This is …prepare
B. He is…preparing
C. It is…to prepare?
"题目20.He is _____ at his work _____ you are.
A. more careful…as
B. as careful …as?
C. careful…as
"题目22.Chen Guanming worked in _____ before.
A. a hotel
B. evening classes
C. a food company
"题目23.He _____ to improve his English.
A. attended all the classes
B. ?made use of Internet materials
C. ?asked online peers(同学)for help
"题目24.He changed his job after_____.
A. he married
B. he got the diploma in the English language
C. his son was born
"题目25.His income is based on _____.
A. his performance
B. his working hours
C. both his performance and his working hours?
"题目26.Which of the following statement is true?
A. Chen Guanming has been married for three years.
B. Chen Guanming likes meeting and talking to English-speaking people.?
C. Chen Guanming has been a salesman for ten years.
"题目27.As a new international student in Canada, Wang Xiaomei is required to _____.
A. have a medical check-up
B. have health insurance
C. visit a doctor?
"题目28.She enrolled automatically in the International Student Health Insurance Plan as soon as _____.
A. she arrived in Canada
B. she went to the hospital
C. she registered for courses
"题目29._____ is (are) not included in her medical insurance.
A. Vision care
B. Hospital stays
C. Emergency treatment
"题目30.Xiaomei should show her _____ when she goes to the hospital.
A. student card
B. student card
C. Health Insurance Plan
"题目31._____ must be kept so that she can receive her reimbursement from the insurance company.
A. Receipt
B. Prescription
C. Insurance premium

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