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--- Hello, Zhengli speaking.
--- _________________________
A. I am Lily.
B. This is Lily here.?
C. Do you know who I am.
"题目2.---Would you like to have dinner with me?

--- _____________________________
A. Sorry, I am afraid not. I have an appointment with my dentist.?
B. That will be to much trouble.
C. No, I wont’.
"题目3.---Thank you for your nice gift.

--- _____________________________
A. I am glad you like it.?
B. I can’t accept it.
C. No, thank you.
"题目4.--- What is for breakfast this morning?

--- _____________________________
A. Don’t ask me this question
B. We have only milk and bread, sir.
C. I’d like to have milk and bread.
"题目5.---I am flying to Hong Kong to spend Christmas tomorrow.

?--- _____________________________
A. If you wish.
B. That’s right.
C. Have a good journey.?
May is the _____ month of the year.
A. five
B. fiveth
C. fifth
"题目7.Jane often helps us _____ our homework.
A. do
B. doing
C. does
"题目8._____ all like _____ very much.
A. They… she
B. Their… her
C. They… her?
"题目9.Hi, Alex! Fancy _____ you here in this park!
A. to meet
B. meeting
C. meet
"题目10.?My father enjoys _____ in the park every morning.
A. run
B. to run
C. running
"题目11.?Today is their _____ wedding anniversary.
A. fifty
B. fiftieth
C. fiftyth
"题目12.Three months ago he _____ a company and now he _____ an excellent member there.
A. joined… is
B. joined… was
C. joins… is
"题目13.Where are the boys? They _____ basketball in the playground at present.
A. don’t play
B. are not playing
C. not play
"题目14.My home is far away _____the company, so I have to drive to work.
A. from
B. to
C. with
"题目15.He is happy because he _____ the work in a few days.
A. finishes
B. finished
C. will finish
"题目16.His sister is good at _____ English.
A. to speak
B. speaks
C. speaking
"题目17.I am busy with my work. I really _____ go with you.
A. can’t
B. don’t
C. won’t
"题目18.The shop sells lots of fruits, _____ oranges, apples and lemons.
A. so as
B. such as
C. like
"题目19.How many people _____ singing in that room?
A. are there
B. there are
C. there
"题目20.It takes me _____ hour to make _____ important preparation.
A. a…the
B. a…an
C. an…the
"题目22.You should wash your hand_____.
A. only after you use the bathroom
B. every time before you eat?
C. before or after eating
"题目23.If you are the only user of the phone, _____.
A. you don’t need to clean it because it is not dirty
B. you need to clean it sometimes because it is not dirty
C. you need to clean it because it is dirty?
"题目24.Balanced meals includes _____.
A. drinking water throughout a day
B. always eating breakfast?
C. getting away from smoking
"题目25._____ when you are feeling tired.
A. Wash your hand
B. Eat a balanced meal
C. Get up and walk around for a few minutes
"题目26.If you are a non-smoker, you need to _____.
A. eat balance meals
B. drink lots of water
C. avoid second-hand smoke
"题目27.Anya and her husband asked for annual leave _____ ago.
A. three days
B. three weeks
C. three months ago
"题目28.Anya is excited because _____.
A. she and her husband work in different companies
B. they really like a trip to Hong Kong
C. their employers have approved their annual leave
"题目29.They will have a holiday for _____ days.
A. two
B. five
C. seven?
"题目30._____ is NOT mentioned in the list of things they are going to do in Hong Kong.
A. Tasting delicious food
B. Visiting friends?
C. Sighting
"题目31.They are going to return to Beijing by _____ on _____ day.
A. air…the 6th
B. train… the 5th
C. air…the last

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